[Song of The Week: Revival] Jackass

I forgot to make the Song of The Week: Revival post today, but this series doesn't get that much attention, so it doesn't really matter. Anyways - Welcome to the 4th Song of The Week: Revival! Jackass won the vote last week, so here it is! Interesting pick, but beggars can't be choosers!

Jackass is part of the album Warning, which may or may not be underrated. The song is about people who believe they're very funny when the repeat the same jokes over and over again.

"Well, everybody loves a joke, but no one likes a fool
And you're always cracking the same old lines again
You're well rehearsed on every verse, and that was stated clear
But no one understands your verity"

They think they are hilarious, when in fact they are annoying, and no one laughs at their jokes but themselves. It is commonly thought that the song is about the band members of Blink-182, which is not confirmed but is a theory I personally like.

"Jackass is about people who consider themselves unbelievably funny, while they're really the only ones who laugh at their own jokes. The narrator's tone in this song is not as much angry as just irritated. He's tired of listening to stupid jokes that are not funny, to the "one-sided conversation", to all the lies made up to impress. The calm voice in which Armstrong sings "well, everybody loves a joke, but no one likes a fool" makes the lyrics sound even more sarcastic. The Jackass is trying so hard to be the center of attention, but all they really are is a "figment of their own imagination", because all the lies they tell to make themselves look so great and special will never come true, and it's all nothing but a waste of time."
- geekstinkbreath.com

Thank you for reading this week's Song of The Week! Great song pick. Make sure to nominate and/or vote for next week's Song of The Week! I will see you next week!