Bands recommendation?
Sorry if it's been asked a lot already, but I was wondering if anyone can suggest me any bands with similar sound to the Sisters of Mercy. I know there is some controversy whether they are goth or not, but I just like them a lot!
I recently started to get into music and bands and I have listened to many. I like Sisters of Mercy and Bauhaus so far, and some metal bands. But I keep finding bands with a more modern sound which I do not like as much as I do the vibe that the two I mentioned have. Without saying that they are bad, I listened to Siouxsie and the Banshees, twin tribes, she past away, alien sex fiend and others that I feel they have a specific vibe yk? (English isn't my first language I hope you understand) To be clear, I love many songs of the bands above too, but I was just wondering if I could find something closer to the two I like the most and reddit seemed like a good place to ask!!
Ty for helping 🖤🖤