MIL said people make up dietary restrictions like gluten-free just to “seem cool”
Just need to rant; Title says it all. She is the one person in my life actively annoyed/upset about it. I am also lactose intolerant.
I just discovered this in last few years, and have had horrible gut issues before I started doing this. I was constantly in pain and running to find a bathroom after eating and having migraines all the time.
I never complain openly and talk about it that much. I don’t know why she finds it so irritating. To the point where she out-of-the-blue went on a whole rant at the restaurant we were at because I mentioned they had a gluten-free bun option for burgers to my partner and was excited. We were visiting California and said I “would fit in great out here.” And the compared it to my partners cousin who “actually” has an allergy to peanuts. I never said it was an allergy!
I don’t know why I have to justify this for her. I almost want to go and get formal testing done. I haven’t done that yet, since my reaction to gluten isn’t terrible, it’s just upset GI and headaches and up until a few months ago I had terrible insurance. I’ve also heard you can’t even test for lactose and gluten intolerance.(?)
Who the hell makes up food allergies/intolerances to seem cool? Why should I have to explain I just don’t want to (literally) sh*t my pants anymore?