Does anybody know any good dupes for pisces ultra lip mine is soo close to being done :(
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Welcome to r/glossier!
\n\n\u2022 When you are posting a makeup/artistry look please be sure to include a product list, complete with shade names within 20 minutes of posting.
\n\n\u2022 Review our sidebar which explains some of the basics of the community and our core rules.
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\nVisited Glossier LA yesterday and a lovely employee put me on a good mix of Ultralips to \u201cmake it\u201d! She said to use Ember and Villa! She mixed it for me and it\u2019s totally legit!
\nhow did she mix it? like just apply 2 diff layers or something else?
\nOn my hand, she put equal parts Villa and Ember, side by side. Then, she just used her finger to mix :)
\nI want Villa & have Ember, so this is doubly great info - tysm for sharing!
\nI\u2019m too scared to use mine bc its my favorite ultralip :\u201d) plz someone let us all know a dupe!!\ud83d\ude4f
\nJust coming across this post! Pony is Pisces renamed! Hope this helps <3
\nDoes anybody know any good dupes for pisces ultra lip mine is soo close to being done :(
Does anybody know any good dupes for pisces ultra lip mine is soo close to being done :(