German Milk

Hi, I am new here in Europe and we don't have stores like Aldi, Lidl, Rewe, Penny etc.

I wanted to know that which milk do people usually prefer or u guys like to drink. My friends all buy Halbare Lidl milk but I feel like they might have to many chemicals/preservatives in it given that they have a really long shelf life.

The Rewe fresh milk gives of a weird chemical smell when heated and Lidl Fresh milk gives a weird smell after 2 days of being open (even after being refrigerated).

I don't mean to be insensitive or diss German milk in any way. I actually love the food quality here. I just want to know if anyone has done their research on this and can help me out so that I dont have to go through all the fat percentages , halbare/fresch, aldi/lidl/penny/rewe milk to find the best one.
