Advice/Feedback on Game Trailer

My brother and I started working on our second game. After our first one didn't get the traction we were hoping due to a complete lack of marketing on our part, we decided to learn the ropes the second time around and produced our first teaser trailer. As this is our first time making one, we'd be really interested in getting feedback from the dev community to know what in your experience works well and what doesn't.

Our game, Transfigured, is still in the early stages of development so we were limited in what we could showcase and decided to really try to get the atmosphere across. I think that it's a bit on the longer side (it's around a minute) and the volume mixing could've used more work.

Transfigured - Teaser Trailer

Most of what we learned about how to approach marketing a video game is owed to Chris Zukowski who runs the blog How To Market a Game and for the specifics on making a trailer we turned to Derek Lieu. If you are interested in either subjects and haven't checked them out yet, we highly recommend heading over to their blogs to learn more!

What seems to make for a great trailer is:

- short and to the point (30 to 45 seconds seems ideal)- show gameplay as soon as possible (don't spend the first 10 seconds showing the name of your game or your logo)- build it like a story (with a start, middle and end) to keep people engaged

What are your thoughts on this? Any specific advice and/or feedback on our first trailer?