Gamedev feels like a drug, in a bad way...

Does anybody else feel like gamedev is like a drug you get hooked on, enjoying it, but actually making your life worse? It feels different from other forms of art.

All I want to do in this life is to create. I made small movies, composed music with multiple bands, and more reacently, getting into game devolopment. I work as a high school teacher in media studies, so I am constantly involved with cool projects with my students. Everything seems awesome with my job, so why am I being such a whiney brat, not being satisfied with what I have?

Before starting gamedevolopment in my spare time, I had great motivations for my job, and life was good. But now, making games is all I want to do, and I feel worse! Does anybody else feel like gamedev is like a drug you get hooked on, but it also makes the word around you fall apart? How do you find balance?