Expensive cards that don’t work for you

This TOTY Eusebio was my first ever TOTY in any FUT and after 400 games with him I’ve came to a conclusion that he’s pretty average. Obviously i’ll use him since he’s a TOTY icon and better than any striker i’ve packed until I packed TOTY CR7 2 days later so I used eusebio and TOTY cr7 together. I first tried a 4-2-1-3 with CR7 at LW and Eusebio at ST but this card just doesn’t work as a single striker for me. He’s too weak and his running animation is so bad. He runs in slow motion and I don’t know what EA has done to him because in other FIFAS he wasn’t like this. I packed my CR7 2-3 days later and played 50 games less yet he outscored this eusebio already. He has 99 pace with a hawk but he feels like an 85 pace card. One thing I liked about this card is his passing which is good. I dont know what EA has done to accelerate styles but he’s just too slow and weak for me. Tried him in a 2 striker formation with CR7 in a 421212 and he was better there. But i’m just gutted that this card doesn’t perform to its price. I know there might be other TOTY Eusebio users who cooks with him but he’s pretty average for me and the moment I dropped him and used CR7 as a sole striker I started winning more often. Also most reviews online has similar thoughts to me aswell. I love this card and i’ll use him as a super sub and he’s my first TOTY ever. I hope EA fixes acceleRATE styles because how does an 87 pace gold thuram feel faster than this TOTY Eusebio.

For you guys what are some expensive cards that just doesn’t work for you? 🤔🤔🤔

This TOTY Eusebio was my first ever TOTY in any FUT and after 400 games with him I’ve came to a conclusion that he’s pretty average. Obviously i’ll use him since he’s a TOTY icon and better than any striker i’ve packed until I packed TOTY CR7 2 days later so I used eusebio and TOTY cr7 together. I first tried a 4-2-1-3 with CR7 at LW and Eusebio at ST but this card just doesn’t work as a single striker for me. He’s too weak and his running animation is so bad. He runs in slow motion and I don’t know what EA has done to him because in other FIFAS he wasn’t like this. I packed my CR7 2-3 days later and played 50 games less yet he outscored this eusebio already. He has 99 pace with a hawk but he feels like an 85 pace card. One thing I liked about this card is his passing which is good. I dont know what EA has done to accelerate styles but he’s just too slow and weak for me. Tried him in a 2 striker formation with CR7 in a 421212 and he was better there. But i’m just gutted that this card doesn’t perform to its price. I know there might be other TOTY Eusebio users who cooks with him but he’s pretty average for me and the moment I dropped him and used CR7 as a sole striker I started winning more often. Also most reviews online has similar thoughts to me aswell. I love this card and i’ll use him as a super sub and he’s my first TOTY ever. I hope EA fixes acceleRATE styles because how does an 87 pace gold thuram feel faster than this TOTY Eusebio.

For you guys what are some expensive cards that just doesn’t work for you? 🤔🤔🤔