Would people pay for colour commissions?

(I don’t know if this breaks the sub’s TOS. And I don’t want this to come off as “please give me money” at least not intentionally.)

So a day or so ago, I was on a discord server. And someone posted their sketch art on the server (I won’t reveal the art or art in question for privacy reasons). Just for the fun of it, I took their piece and decided to give it colour. Then much later I was asked if I wanted to colour another person’s art for some money. I took them up on their offer and also tried my hand at shading for the first time.

I want to try getting more comfortable with using my art program (procreate). And I don’t know how to say this, but would there generally be people wanting their art coloured. Not trying to make it sound like “I’ll only do this for money.” More so just wondering if there’s a market for something like this.

There may be some detail I missed so let me know.