Bad luck
Hello, I'm here to tell you my sad story. I live in Mexico and I'm from a small town. However, we have many second-hand stores where we get things from the USA. I've been trying to find Furbya for a while now, and I often visit these stores. I've never come across one. Today I visited one of these stores, and guess what a surprise I found? Last week they had a Furby, but they had already sold it. I missed my chance, and I know it will take a long time for me to get another furby 😭 (picture of the little friend I found, it wasn't what I wanted but oh well)
Hello, I'm here to tell you my sad story. I live in Mexico and I'm from a small town. However, we have many second-hand stores where we get things from the USA. I've been trying to find Furbya for a while now, and I often visit these stores. I've never come across one. Today I visited one of these stores, and guess what a surprise I found? Last week they had a Furby, but they had already sold it. I missed my chance, and I know it will take a long time for me to get another furby 😭 (picture of the little friend I found, it wasn't what I wanted but oh well)