Questions that I have overall about Full Sail (answer all if you can I’d appreciate it)
- How hard is it to get a scholarship?? I mostly have all As and maybe one B every marking period and I’m not trying to get a full scholarship if not most of the tuition and also will they check your curriculum at your school?? Because my school’s curriculum is a lot different than most public schools
- I’m autistic which kinda continues on from the last question so for all the people with some sort of disorder how is it like transitioning to Full Sail considering the work load is pretty extreme.:do they help you a lot getting to where you need to be and are they more flexible about getting your work done??
- I want to get two Bachelor’s in creative writing and media and communications..what are both of those areas of study like?? What’s the workload like?? Are the classes interesting?? How much homework is there?? Does anyone have any somewhat successful jobs in those areas??
- It i want to have a part time job while at school which I’m probably gonna need to unless I have loans what are the best ways to handle school and work?? I’ve heard I won’t have that many night classes in my two fields so I could work at night but does that mean I would have to work really late night shifts like past midnight?? Because that may be pretty tough..Also how long does homework usually take for y’all?? Also what are some places that are flexible and will let you work at their places while going to school?? And how much do they pay??
- What is it like not having a car while in Orlando?? Is it really dangerous walking or riding a bike/scooter?? Because I’ve heard the drivers are pretty everything pretty close like banks, restaurants, grocery stores??
- What are some of the best restaurants in the Winter Park area??
- People with part time jobs and attending Full Sail in campus is there any free time that you may have?? Like do you get a day off or do you have free nights where you can go out??
- What is the community at Full Sail like?? Are the teachers/professors nice?? Is it easy to make friends??
- What are the best apartments for the cheapest prices in Orlando?? I’m looking for around a 2-3 bedrooom, 1-2 bathroom apartment depending if I have 2 or 3 roommates..also I’m mainly looking for ones with good amenities like a pool, basketball court and fitness center that also look pretty modern..Also how was the finding a roommate system?? Was it pretty easy to find a good match and for you personally do you hang out with your roommate a good amount??
- Last one is what is the experience living like in Orlando?? What’s the weather like throughout the year not only in the summer but in the other seasons?? How’s the food?? Do you guys ever go to the theme parks?? How’s the scenery and atmosphere?? How are the people?? What fun is there to do other than theme parks and museums?? And overall what are the main pros and cons I should look into before moving..