Don’t let being short stop you from medically transitioning! (Sincerely, a 5’0” trans guy)
I started T a little over a year ago. One of my biggest fears before starting was: how I could I exist comfortably as a man who is 5'0"? I thought I'd never pass being so short, or that I'd get bullied incessantly, or not be taken seriously, or no one would be into me...
Well, I certainly do pass most of the time at only 1ish year in. Maybe people think I'm younger than I am, but I pretty much always get read as a guy. No one has commented on my height (maybe less so than when I presented as a girl). I generally feel well respected, not made out to be a freak or inferior due to my height. Granted, I'm pretty queer presenting so I'm not sure what would happen if I tried to hang with more bro-y straight guys. Ditto with attraction-- might be hard with cis het girlies, but that's not really my type anyway ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I've found no shortage of t4t folks who are very into me and find my size neutral or attractive.
Being short as a guy has had almost no impact on my life AND I am infinitely happier existing in this more muscular, hairy, vascular, deeper-voiced, and sculpted face/body. If height is one of the only things keeping you from starting T, take it from me that being a really short guy isn't nearly as bad as people believe it to be!
Bc I know my experience might not be universal: I'm white and mostly hang out on queer/trans spaces (tho I am in medical school which is cis/het normative and again, haven't been discriminated against based on my height)