Crazy Hot when charging and connected to an external portable display
So I have a FW13 with a i7-1165g7 CPU. I have had this computer for nearly three years and have changed many, many parts, including having to RMA the original main board. So the issue I have been having is trying to use an external portable display that does not use external power, so it pulls it via USB-C. When I use that AND charge it at the same time, from the same side (so same USB4 card) it can get crazy hot and fast. Should this be happening. I am thinking it's really overloading the card and that is the primary driver of this, but it is super annoying and it is way more convenient having both plugged in that side (so the cords don't interfere with the display. Note that I was thinking that maybe it could be choking on dust a bit or maybe the CPU needed to be re-pasted. Well, I ran a bench mark pre/post and no difference (actually the benchmark score went down slightly, but the temps stayed the same. I love my laptop, but it's really annoying and has a propensity to get hot. I mean, it gets hotter than other laptops at time, and I know that it is in part a generation of chip in here, but it's annoying. I would like to switch over to an AMD board, but that would also require me to get new DDR5 RAM and a new wifi module as well, which brings the price up. So I am going to try to ride this out a bit longer if I can.