Colt 1911 in Fo76 please Bethesda

So just thinking it would be great to have this gun in fallout 76, I know we've had it in Fallout tactics and it was added in a Fallout New Vegas DLC. With the new crafting system being introduced giving everyone the opportunity to get those god rolls they always wanted we will soon be left with little to do weapon wise, and let's admit the handgun options are a bit limited right now. This is probably the reason why I never felt the need or want to invest in a revolver build. But I love the idea of exploring the wasteland with a Colt in hand, it doesn't have to be a boss killer it just has to be fun and different to use. Hell we even had the Deliverer in Fallout 4 which was my favourite gun to use. Please Bethesda consider this as not only do we need more weapon options in the game as the crafting system is not going to carry attention forever but I really think this would be a solid addition. I can just image a Colt 1911 with a silencer on it an a Rip Daring skin on it. What are all your thoughts on this. ?