26F working minimum wage retail… I don’t have any passion to lead me into a career, I just don’t want to live like this forever

I graduated last year with a bachelor’s in history, with honours. I have a few years of experience as a copywriter working for a family friend’s marketing agency. Now I work in e-commerce for a major retail chain. This is Canada btw.

I make a few cents above minimum wage. I work alongside teenagers and feel like an idiot doing so. I feel as though the last 4 years of education were a waste. I get anxiety coming into work everyday and have called out sick 4 times in the last 3 months. I enjoy organization, working independently at something that requires critical/analytical thinking, but I do not have the experience to back this up. I look at people like my sister, who has wanted to be a lawyer since she was a kid and just graduated law school, or my partner who is intent on being a partner at his company one day and is currently climbing the management ladder… and I feel so lost.

I don’t want any of these things. I want to have enough money in the bank to pay my bills, enjoy my time off, and have some savings set aside. I want to have enough time to spend with my dog and my partner and to bake or go camping or take up painting. I don’t have a “dream” career. Add to that the job market is impossible to break into right now, I have applied to over 100 jobs and nothing. I don’t know if it’s because i’m unqualified or seem directionless or if the market is just oversaturated but I cannot keep going to this dead end job everyday, being demeaned and demoralized by customers and management, and attempt to find any quality of life after that.

Please help me. I need to know there is hope beyond this.