What am i missing about debt recycling for ETFs rather than simply paying off mortgage first
I think most people here misunderstand debt recycling and paying off your home loan first
- If your home loan is at 6% and you pay extra into it, you are effectively getting a tax free return of 6% with zero risk and zero additional work on your part.
- If you put that extra repayment into A200, it would need to return a minimum of 8.9% pre tax (made up of circa 4% dividends) and circa 4.9% capital growth.
- If you borrow from your mortgage (debt recycling) your return needs to be substantially higher to account for the additional borrowing costs (despite your 45% tax rate, its still not free)
- Wouldn't the majority of people simply be better off paying their mortgage down to zero and then investing with cash or take on debt if they choose?
- Why run the two strategies? i.e paying off home loan and investing