Are we SERIOUS???Giving your dog mozzarella sticks is extremely harmful to your dog. most dogs can’t even process milk. Like I don’t understand why they don’t just buy the dog DOG food or make the dog food. they are seriously shortening their dogs life. I’m honestly convinced that’s they read all

Our Post And then purposely troll us with rage bait on their stories so we can keep talking about them cuz ain’t NO WAY! Also, it’s a complete joke and extremely offensive that they try to claim that Romi is a fucking service dog when he literally barks uncontrollably 24/7 to the point where they have to lock him up in the baby crib, a basket, the bathroom etc..romi is VERY reactive and he’s a “service dog” but service dogs literally get specifically trained to not be reactive yet Romi is reactive as fuck. Meaning that she’s literally lying about having a service dog, which is one illegal and two absolutely disgusting to do… there’s people who ACTUALLY NEED a service dog and the fact that they are literally out here faking one just so they can bring him everywhere It is actually so gross. But it’s them💀 so I mean are we really shocked??