Fellow readers, advice on what to read next!

I pushed through Glow, I don’t know if I should do that once more with Gold or wait for Goldfinch to come out on paperback and read them back to back. I’ve heard both great things and horrible things about the Book of Azrael and When the moon hatched. Help me choose what to read next! I need a palate cleanser, just read Spectacular (the caraval novella) and I’m highly disappointed as well.

I pushed through Glow, I don’t know if I should do that once more with Gold or wait for Goldfinch to come out on paperback and read them back to back. I’ve heard both great things and horrible things about the Book of Azrael and When the moon hatched. Help me choose what to read next! I need a palate cleanser, just read Spectacular (the caraval novella) and I’m highly disappointed as well.