Teens, how would you feel about this?
I am a mom and my kids are all older teenagers. Youngest is 15.
Normally, they have a hard time waking up and getting moving in the morning. Right now, it's summer so it's even worse than normal. They're pretty much sleeping all day, then staying up all night.
I don't love this because several times they've woken me up in the middle of the night when I have to work early the next day. But the bigger issue is what happens on the weekends.
Since I work full time, the weekends are the only chance I have to catch up on housework, running errands, and spending quality time on myself and with my family.
This is what happens nearly every weekend: I ask the night before if the kids want to go do XYZ with me the next day. If they don't want to go, that's okay. I tell them what time they need to be up & what time we need to leave. The next day, I wake up the kids who said they want to go, and remind them what time we are leaving. I usually check on them once or twice to make sure they are getting up. Typically, they do not. By the time we are supposed to leave, they are still not ready and now I'm getting frustrated.
Last Sunday, we were supposed to leave at 11 am. They were not ready until 2 pm. That's almost the entire day since I want to be home by dinner and have to go to bed around 9-10 pm. I was getting so frustrated that I told them I was going to go without them, then they got upset and said they really wanted to go.
TL;DR: If you are a teenager, would you be upset if your mom just stopped inviting you places but you found out later she was going places you would have liked to have gone? Like your fave coffee shops, shopping at your fave stores, etc.?