Dismissive Christians

I really hate when Christians just blindly assume that people leave faith because they're "hurt by the church", "hurting because of a bad situation", or for the sake of being rebellious.

NO. A lot of people (like myself) left because of Christianity ITSELF. Many of its teachings are very damaging and downright destructive, often leading to control, manipulate people and cause harm in relationships. The concept of salvation being gained by faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-10) nd being told to hate my family and myself (Luke 14:26) was what did it. The contradictions on whether we are justified by faith or works did it, as well as the concept of idoltary, not trusting myself and hell. Christianity has some nice words and encouraging teachings in it, but it doesn't make up for the bulk of it being so revolting...

For example: a guy was stoned to death for picking up sticks on the Sabbath (Numbers 15:32-36), the wombs of pregnant women were ripped open (2 Kings 15:16), entertained symbolic imagery of infants getting their heads smashed onto rocks (Psalm 137:9), and children getting dashed into pieces (Isaiah 13:15-16), and EVEN YAHWEH THREATENING RO SMEAR SHIT ON PEOPLE'S FACES??? Why should ANYONE trust this guy or even believe in this????

On top of that, another one of Christianity's harmful practices are to "never trust yourself" and "you are nothing without God"... These are VERY damaging to self-sense of worth and very destructive to mental health, I can't even tell ya.....

TLDR: don't assume people leave ONLY for the sake of being hurt or being rebellious. We sometimes leave because the faith ITSELF has a lot of damaging teachings that causes harm. It isn't always the people; it is the belief, the source of it all.