Troubleshooting google speech to text on ESP32 by using a pre selected base64 converted audio “Hello World”. Can a sample base64 Audio string be utilized for troubleshooting directly on the ESP32? Or does it have to be an imported file?

Before testing my I2S 441 MIC, I want to debug using preselected base64 Audio to text string("Hello World"). According to chatgpt, it is not possible to troubleshoot speech to text using a base64 converterted string "Hello World" directly on my ESP32 due to memory issues. According to chatgpt, I need to import an external WAV file in base64 format. Somehow, my ESP32 is supposed to access this file when connected to the internet to begin transcribing. Is this true? Or is there a way to utilize a small preselected base64 formatted audio like "Hi", or "No" directly in my code perhaps?