UNCENSORED WORDS need some advice on constant n* and stomach ache after eating

Hi, I really need some advice. 2 weeks ago, I randomly began having a stomach ache that became more and more noticeable. I realised it was usually a lot worse after I eat. My stomach feels full and tight, and like there is pressure on my throat. I feel so nauseous in the evening/night and uncomfortably full, even when I haven’t eaten much. I’ve gone to the doctors and done a stool test, tested for H Pylori and it came back with no issues but I’m not sure if I really had enough stool to give since at the time I was barely pooping because of my lack of eating due to the stomach ache and nausea. Does anybody have any idea what could be wrong? I’m tired of this horrible discomfort. I’m on nausea meds (promethazine) and I’m pretty sure they’ve stopped me from vomiting multiple times in the past week. Though I haven’t actually vomited in the past 7 years, I’ve gotten really close to a few times these past weeks which is very terrifying. Anyone have any idea what I could be dealing with?