To anyone who has ever suffered nipple eczema,

Does it ever go away? I've been having weepy eczema on both nipples for 6 months now. I've gone to the dermatologist 4 times, and I've tried topical steroids.

I haven't gone back on topical steroids and my maintenance is basically just soap-free cleanser and Urea Moisturizing Lotion.

I'm so depressed because it just keeps getting worse. My eczema doesn't get in contact with anything other than 1) my cotton pads (which I tape on with micropore tape) 2) soap free cleanser 3) Urea Moisturizing Lotion.

I'm at my wit's end because the topical steroids only work for a while but the flare ups come back with a vengeance. I'm so depressed I just need hope this can and will go away/get better. I'm even scared I'll lose my relationship because of this.

Please send help and hope.