Anyone seen this?? Weird red patches? Won’t go away
Hi everyone! So super weird, but the past year or so I’ve developed these little weird red patches. They look like little wounds?? Red, not really scaly, or flaky. Just red and sometimes they itch but not that bad. My derm doesn’t really think it’s psoriasis or eczema because it’s not going away, flaring up, or presenting as it typically would. He hasn’t tested them, because he doesn’t want to scar my skin and he said most of the time the results don’t necessarily help. They don’t get bigger. Some go away and some don’t. Sometimes they get less red, like they will get pink and I’ll be like yay they’re healing! Then they get red again. The one in the middle of my chest literally will not go away. This is what I put on them- oplezura or zoryve which are for psoriasis and eczema, and I moisturize right after the shower. I have started dupixent, so maybe it’s a reaction from that? Idk. Usually it’s psoriasis that can happen from dupixent but I’m not sure that is what this is. They are just randomly on my back, stomach, and one on the side of my scalp.
Just small, little patches of red, like I have a little wound or something but they don’t weep or bleed.