The West Is Not Dying yet but the far right extremists libertarians tech bros Are Working on It..

        Far right extremists libertarians tech bros billionaires rapesacking  public education,  health systems, and pensions. 

Internationally, outrage at the West’s cruel wars and genocides led to decolonization, universal declarations of human rights, and international criminal courts.

Why manufacture stuff at home when foreign capitalists could be relied upon to dispatch both their products and their dollars to the US?

       So, they exported whole production lines abroad, triggering the deindustrialization of America’s manufacturing heartlands.

Wall Street was at the heart of this audacious new recycling mechanism. To play its role, it had to be unrestrained.

But wholesale deregulation needed an economics and a political philosophy to support it....(but..but...corrupt lobbying is ‘legal ‘....)

The combination of socialism for financiers, collapsing prospects for the bottom 50%, and the surrender of our minds to Big Tech’s cloud capital gave birth to a Brave New West, whose overweening elites have little use for the last century’s value system.

      Free trade, anti-trust rules,  net zero,  democracy,  openness to migration,  diversity, human rights, and the International Court of Justice were treated with the same contempt with which the US treated friendly dictators – its “own bastards” – after their usefulness ended.

But the West is now convinced that China poses a lethal threat. Like Oedipus’s father, who died at his son’s hand because he believed the prophecy that his son would kill him, so the West is working tirelessly to push China to take the plunge and seriously challenge Western power.

      The irony, however, is that China does not want to be a hegemon. It just wants to sell its wares unimpeded.
 was the far right extremists libertarians tech bros billionaires who actually started China industrialization....with our taxpayers money handouts.....