Holy Shit. Steve Bannon Just Confirmed This Theory.
The video, which has gotten a lot of attention recently, spells out the dark agenda that the Silicon Valley Tech Bros have planned for America. TLDR it involves throwing away democracy, creating hierarchy in society, the collapse of America and the birth of "Network States" which are small cities scattered throughout the world all connected through technology, and sooo much more. PLEASE watch the video if you have not: https://youtu.be/5RpPTRcz1no?si=QNDpZ3VIVSqYZKw8
If you have seen the video from Blonde Politics about the Silicon Valley Oligarchs' plan to destroy and rebuild America that has been going around- Steve Bannon (Trumps former advisor in his 1st term) just CONFIRMED this theory in a recent NYT interview, holy shit : https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT267DdRy/