Marin Fairfax E information?

Does anyone own or have information about the Marin Fairfax E.

This is about all I can find. There are no reviews online and only one question about the bike on this community.

I own a Marin now and love it. This bike fills all the electric expectations for me, but I would love to know others' experiences if available.

Thanks in advance.

UPDATE: Bought one and love it. See pics and thoughts below.

UPDATE 2: I would really buy from a bike shop. My bike shop contacted me and said that they had problems with the tires on these Marin's blowing out and Marin had sent new tires. They installed them for free. Additionally, I was getting sparks sometimes when I plugged in the battery (on the battery and charger connection). Marin immediately replaced the battery and charger and the shop installed them for free (I am sure it cost Marin something).