Why is everyone so fucking insufferable?
Title says it all. I have met two, maybe 3 people I haven't wanted to beat to death with a brick hammer so far. Is this just like, the norm going forward? The bazaar people are fucking stupid and irritatingly incompetent, the PK's are fascists who somehow manage to be killed by the survivors who demonstrate the ability to take nothing down BUT them 98% of the time, i hate everyone in this city.
Is there ANYBODY besides Hakon, a dog, and MAYBE Aitor depending on how the story progressed from here who isnt the biggest nematode amoeboid troglodyte ass neanderthal i have ever had the displeasure of witnessing exist around me or am I just gonna be perpetually in a state of "why the fuck did dying light give me the nuclear option but the sequel didnt, i actually NEED IT here."