Is there a language learning app that has not yet fallen victim to severe greed and enshittification?

I enjoyed Duolingo for a long time, but I abandoned it a year or two ago when the experience really started to decline. I was an avid Memrise user from very early on, which has now been completely gutted and is unrecognizable. It's just an even worse duolingo copy. It was started with such an incredible philosophy that truly wanted to teach language, not just keep people on the platform for as long as possible. It really sucks to see what it has become.
Are there any language learning apps that are still good value for money and haven't made moves towards enshittification yet?

P.s.I love the moves this community is making to not work for Duolingo, and to be transparent about their awful business practices ❤️ I can't imagine that was an easy choice to make. You mods are incredible.