How did you move to Dubai?
I'm an American who has been to Dubai 3x per year for the past 4-years. I've fallen in love with the city and I have made the decision to move there full time. Coming from NYC, the quality of life is much better in Dubai -- the safety, convenience, and especially the cost.
That said, I work in Tech in People Operations and it seems like Tech in Dubai is not the same landscape as it is in the states. I live a fairly comfortable life making 200kUSD annually and I'm aware that I will take a pay cut to move to Dubai because of taxes and lower cost.
I've been diligently applying for jobs but it seems like Dubai is all about "who you know" not "what you know". And when I do hear back, it seems like I'm too expensive for the role even with my adjusted expectations.
How did fellow high earners from the states (or anywhere) move to Dubai? Did you just start your own consultancy? If so, how is that going? Or were you actually able to find a high paying job in Dubai? If so, how?
I appreciate any insight!