Starting from the bottom, hopefully one day we'll be there
Hey! I just want to say thanks to the community for the encouraging posts you\ve all posted here. It has been a pleasure to read that Dreaming Spanish is doing wonders for you and hopefully it will for me too.
Ive loved the sound of this beautiful language for as long as I can remember, sadly I haven't picked it up yet but that is all about to change starting now.
I just purchased a home in Spain that Ill be moving into in 3 years and that got me so excited. Obviously I don't want to live there like so many other and not speak a word of spanish so that is why im here and how I came to find this sweet community.
I just purchased premium and right now im at Level 1 with 9 hours and counting. The goal to start of with is a minimum of 30minutes a day, hopefully 1 hour soon enough. I would really like to increase this limit over time but right now I feel like this is the sweet spot cause I get tired very easily since I have to focus super hard to not lose track of what im listening to. My wish is to be able to consume media with just headphones later down the road and be able to increase my input substantially that way. Right now that is definitely not a possibility tho considering im already struggling with super-beginner videos haha.
Oh well good luck to all of you and keep posting your progress as it is very heartwarming to read. Ill give updates on all the levels I achieve down the road. My goal is to be able to hold conversations with anybody I cross path with once im settled down there, right now Id say im at 0% down the road so its definitely an uphill battle but those who want it bad enough shall get it.