Touker doesn't understand modern business??
Just watched the most recent episode and talking to the pet food company...they said cost of acquisition is £40 and average basket value is a little over £40. He asked if that's good business and they started talking about the lifetime value of a customer, as in that customer will be purchasing that basket over and over for many years. He completely interrupted and shut them down saying it's irrelevant and it was 'good jargon during covid' but online is over now basically
Deborah thankfully pointed out that she did want to hear the answer. I'm not a professional but I know enough about business (and common sense) to know that the lifetime value is very important. He's dismissive about online a lot and just suggests everyone get into retail. Feel like he just doesn't understand how modern businesses work?
Mind you I'm quite biased as I've never liked him, he's very patronising and rude generally especially to women. Even other dragons, he'll generally only suggest doing deals with other male dragons and totally ignore if Sara has also offered for example. He's been a bit better about that recently so wonder if it was pointed out to him.