Hormonal issues were the cause of my dpdr

Hey everyone,

just wanted to share a success story. I don't want to bother you with details, so here's the most important stuff: I suffered from dpdr for years (mostly derealization). Bloodwork was okay (at least all vitamins!), healthy lifestyle... nothing worked. The only thing was that I lost my period at the beginning of last year due to stress and anorexia. I went to my gynacologist two months ago to get checked because I'm almost at a healthy weight now but my period didn't come back. The results: Estrogen and progresterone were very low. She put me on a hormonal therapy - estrogen gel (every day of the month) and progesterone pills (half of the month). One month into it and my dpdr symptoms ARE GONE! I'm shocked because I now feel alive. I know this isn't the solution for everyone. But maybe you are like me. Please talk to your doctors about this. Check your hormones, not just vitamins in your blood.