Honestly, I'm just deleting the game. I think Blizzard is too far gone.
A lot of people, including myself, are already burnt out by the time we reach the end game. I'm not even talking about level 100. I'm talking about once you have to upgrade from sacreds to ancestrals and your character is fleshed out.
This is well documented and discussed all over. Whether it's the boring loot, the enemies, the lack of bosses, the end game grind itself... Something is amiss - and people are feeling it.
Yet, somehow, Blizzard decides to DOUBLE DOWN and take a stab at the few things that make the game fun!
I've NEVER seen such a large patch dedicated to nerfs - across the board! This is madness.
This is all about their bottom line and an attempt to have us play the game longer. Mobs can't stay alive like they used to if they nerf cooldown reduction by 30%. Players can't stay alive like they used to if they gut a vital aspect like Disobedience.
Blizzard used to be about the player experience - and providing the best game possible. Diablo IV is a far cry from D2, Warcraft 3, Vanilla WoW, and StarCraft I and II.
They are about making profits and player retention - and they just happen to be doing it in the most ass backwards way.
Congrats Blizz. I'm deleting D4. And I don't know when or if I'll buy the next Blizz game. Maybe Microsoft will right the ship. Who knows?
I'm hoping they go back to basics. Simple. Fun. And polished. This is not the Blizzard I grew up with.