What is your experience with these insulin pumps, I have to choose and I am a first timer

Hello there! I am a type 1 diabetic and was diagnosed just about 4 years ago. To say that I have struggled is putting it mildly, I am extremely sensitive to everything. Insulin, food, exercise, climate, products from shampoos to creams to toothpaste and beyond. When I bolus insulin for my meals I have to be very careful with what I exert (can't do a workout with insulin in my system or I will what I call "burn" through and might as well have doubled my dosage, i.e- took 3 units for my overage and it works like 6-7 units and drops me dangerously low) I don't get much sleep and when I do I never feel rested. I can't feel my skin and have numb feeling all over. I have recently changed my diet because everyday my CGM graph looks like the rocky mountain ranges. I try to avoid carbs as much as possible, taking organic MTC oil, more water and g fit hydration drinks and limiting coffee. High protein and tons of veg, but I only eat 1 meal a day. This has helped some but I still struggle as I can never get my numbers to sit at any one number. I was recently approved for the insulin pump program and have the highest hopes that this tech can be more like a functioning pancreas then I could ever be! The prospect of a tubeless pump was alluring as a first timer (and being a mom with kids and fur kids) but as I educated myself the fact that it does not communicate with my CGM and only lasts 3 days made me cross it off as an option. I am looking for anyone's experience, good or bad with either the Tandem t:slim x2 or Medtronic minimed 780G? Thank you so much for your time, any insight with help me greatly!!