I've been crying at least once in a week for a month. The reasons are different every time, but I think that the real problem is that I have nothing to relieve my constantly accumulating stress. I am really uncomfortable when I interact with other people irl, so spending time with most of the people around me actually gives me more stress. And those few that I relish being around don't understand me or don't have much time to spend with me. I don't really have a hobby. I have tried drawing, learning a new language, reading novels, playing games, watching Youtube, writing, and so on and quite enjoyed it at the moment but I do not feel relieved after those hobbies. Rather, I felt guilty bc I spent time doing things that actually don't help my feeling and wasted time I should've used to study. I usually enjoy studying itself, but recently I developed obsession with my academic works, so it is now more stressful. Well, I had other enjoyable things in my daily life, but they are all gone now. I usually cry and feel refreshed, only to endure a few days before crying again. I had serious MD before this depression thing, so I assume that slowly getting out of MD also had significant effect on my feelings rn.
An exam is coming soon, and I have to get out of this depressed state asap and study again. I can't seek medical help for some reasons (mostly bc of my country's negative recognition of visiting therapists) but I know that I should somehow find ways to relieve my stress, because I can't keep crying and recovering like this. I don't know what I should try, and how I can get out of this depression.