New Fan Album Reviews Part 4

Black Celebration. Here we go. This is the album that, from comments, seems like a lot of people were waiting for me to get to. It has taken me a long time to fully digest this album, that's why I've become so slow compared to the clip I was putting these out at. I've also been careful to be trying to not burn myself out on DM in general so I've taken breaks to listen to more comfortable music for myself (Smashing Pumpkins, Angels and Airwaves for instance this week). Anyways.....I have a feeling this is going to be the first time Where the DM community, you guys, are gonna start rebeling against me 😂. Here we go...

Black Celebration- I absolutely love the title track as an opener. I think it does exactly what you want from an opening track. Sets a mood (dark, foreboding) and has a lot of energy to pull you in. Honestly, thus had me gripped from first listen.

Fly On The Windscreen (Final)- For the record, I did listen to the OG version on CUWDM and to be honest...didn't notice a huge difference. This song is weird for me. It definitely didn't grab me at first. It took repeated listens to grow on me. I like the concept of the song a lot, or as I interpret it, "we are going to die soon, come love me." There are a lot of super strange sounds on this tune lol. What's up with that weird ass opening? Feels like an early interpretation of beat boxing. Musically though, I think this song is one of the most original sounds on the album. It's cool though 🤷‍♂️. Just don't think im as in love with this song as the rest of the community seems to be.

A Question Of Lust- Another one that took repeated listens. The first of THREE Gore sung songs in a row (super odd to me). To me, this feels like a retread of emotions he expressed on Somebody from SGR (which was a much better song, imo). I like the chorus a lot and it's got some good heart to it...but I feel like there is a bit of a running theme for me with the album as a whole thats represented in this song. It's just...a bit boring and not exciting.

Sometimes- Out of the Gore-led songs on this album, I think I preferred this to any of the others. It's got a soft sweetness to it that still pulls me in to its short running length. The line "you must be as embarrassing as me" is one of my favourite lines from the album and I love how it fades out with the ooo ooo ooo ooo ooooooo Sometimes. It sounds like a barbershop quartet to me with the layers of vocals (which all sound like Gore on top of himself to me).

It Doesn't Matter Two- First off....I have to ask. Did they really call it this purely because they already have another song called this from SGR (a MUCH better track imo)??! That's pretty lame. In my opinion, this song musically is a lot better than lyrically. It's got some weird, kind of cinema noir feels to it. It's got a lot of darkness to the words sung by Gore but it just doesn't grab me, on multiple listens. I've also noticed another little thing with this album. Lots of shorter run times. Makes me think that they felt like they were being more experimental with sounds.

A Question Of Time- Gahan back in the vocals for this fast paced tracks. What's up with the woman's moans at the beginning? Lol. Musically, this is right up there for me with Fly On The Windscreen for best music on the album. But moreso than any other song.....what the FUCK is up with the lyrics on this tune? This sounds like Gahan is pleading with a clearly 15 year old girl to protect herself from gross men and their thoughts......yet he thinks the same. "You're only 15 and you look good. I'll take you under my wing, somebody should." Wtf? The lyrics ruin my feelings towards the music.

Stripped- I know this is the big single from the album. I hadn't heard it before. Again, this took two or three listens for me. But I really enjoy it now. The sexual undertones are STRONG in this. I get the feeling this is still a mainstay in their live shows. This is some of Gahans best vocal work imo. His voice is so strong in it. Musically, this is a JAM. Love the track.

Here Is The House- Here comes the big surprise probably for the community. My favourite track on the album. I love the duet vocals of the two of them on this and the simplistic synths and bops. The story is super sweet and tender and I love how it just conveys (in my mind) a loving relationship and the memories formed in this house. When Gore says "as it happens it happens here in this house", it melts me haha. The gentle guitar plucking in the bridge is just fantastic to me. A real standout on the album.

World Full Of Nothing- Back to Gore on main vocals. Probably my least favourite song on the album. I feel like this I supposed to be another super emotional one that grabs you.....and it does none of that to me. Frankly, this song bores me to tears. I've tried it so many times.

Dressed In Black- I feel like they wanted this to be one of the "cooler" tracks on the album with its moody, spacey synths. I find the verses and chorus very pedestrian and following along the same lines of WFON....just plain boring, just in a different way.

New Dress- This song has a very different feel than everything else. It kind of has a bit of an industrial tinge to it...and I really like that. Obviously the main crux of the lyrics to this song are now woefully outdated with the Princess Di reference, but the message behind it all still is relevant. Tabloid bullshit seems more important than people's lives. I enjoyed this tune a bunch even if I didn't think it was incredible.

But Not Tonight- What a strange way to end the album. I feel like they've gone with a very bleak and dark sound for the album, yet this feels like a bright uplifting pop beat to end it all and wouldn't have felt out of place in my opinion on Speak and Spell. This isn't to say I didn't enjoy it, because I very much so do. Just a pleasant way to end a morose album.

Final Thoughts: My views on this album are very conflicted. I'm sorry to say it just doesn't grab me and not let go like some of their other work has, but I do really love some of it. The boring bits outweigh it for me though.


Tracklist Rankings

  1. Here Is The House
  2. Black Celebration
  3. Stripped
  4. Fly On The Windscreen
  5. But Not Tonight
  6. Sometimes
  7. New Dress
  8. A Question Of Lust
  9. A Question Of Time
  10. It Doesn't Matter Two
  11. Dressed In Black
  12. World Full Of Nothing

Thanks for reading, guys and gals! I look forward to moving on to the next album....Music For The Masses! Please feel free to comment, I love the discussion!!