Everything that we OFFICIALLY know about the March Chapter

I’m gonna start this post off by saying that it will NOT, repeat, NOT include leaks. While I am aware that there have been many leaks for the March chapter, this post will not include anything related to leaks. This post will ONLY include OFFICIAL information. Ranging from obvious things everyone know, things said by BHVR themselves on the game’s socials, and words straight from Mathieu Cote.

-The Chapter is of course Killer only, a licensed Killer, with no survivor, and no map.

-This will be the final Killer in Year 8 of the game. (And to an extension, the original survivor set to release the following month in April is the final survivor of year 8.) (The next Killer/Survivor after them will of course be when Year 9 starts and brings us the FNAF chapter.)

These next two points below both come from a video interview that Mathieu Cote did with “The King”, where he talked about the March chapter.

-First up, he mentions the March killer will not have a big complexed detailed power like Dracula and Vecna, but a more simple one.

-Second, to quote him directly “Some people are gonna bitch, but it’s gonna create some really interesting conversations”, so take this how you will.

-Just now, the official Dead by Daylight Twitter account posted the February roadmap, and there is no PTB planned for this month, so we may not know the identity of this licensed killer until next month when it finally happens.