Cathy Referring to Gino as her “Sloppy Second.” 🤢🤢
The episode where Maddie and Gino were forced to kiss is one of the most disgusting episodes.
-2 small kids were forced to kiss each other on tv, on stage and in front of others at the studio.
-Gino’s first kiss is under duress, with a little girl who is obviously grossed out and doesn’t like him
-Maddie’s first kiss is given to her by force by an ADULT that she is obviously afraid of saying no to.
-Gino is humiliated on live TV after Maddie reacts by holding her mouth and running to the bathroom (understandable for her to be that upset). I’m sure his friends never let him forget that.
-Cathy refers to Gino as her “SLOPPY SECOND??!” 🤢🤢🤢
If Abby or Cathy were adult men, this episode very likely could have gotten them in so much trouble. So gross. Why were all of the adults up in the viewing room so ok with all of this?