Actual unpopular opinion?
I actually liked Leslie. She struck me as being incredibly normal (though I am from Boston and we probably behave very similarly to Pittsburgh pissed off).
She was very similar to Jill except she didn’t have the 1-900 voice or the money or the terrible shirts/vests.
She wanted opportunities for her child that she saw others at her daughter’s studio getting and she got pissed when they were offered to outsiders instead.
Payton was a talented dancer and she was also Brooke’s age. She was definitely too tall for that group and too mature looking but I can totally see how Leslie couldn’t see that. She wanted her daughter to get a chance and chances kept being dangled in front of her and yanked away. No kidding she got upset.
And honestly, Christi deserved the hands she got and then some when she drunkenly threw a drink at Leslie in New Orleans. You can say what you want about what you think someone SHOULD do in response to such a thing, but once you do what YOU yourself shouldn’t, you don’t get to dictate the other person’s response (I believe that falls under the “fuck around and find out” doctrine of life).
Beyond all that, given how much hate her and her child have received/continue to receive, she’s been a damn good sport.
I would 100% hang out with Leslie, have a few beers and happily talk some shit.