Am I taking too long in progressing through the game?
update I've done it. I've pushed through and am fully in. After posting this and reading some replies, jumped back in and played for like 6 hours. Went to bed. Basically laid there for 2 hours or so, laying out the moves I needed to make when I got back on tomorrow. Well, I ended up just getting up and getting a few hours more in before I need to leave for the day....
Overview: 2 game years progression, 8ish hours actual gameplay...
I've had this game since it came out. I've tried to get into a game around every 3 or 4 months, and utterly fail. I get overwhelmed and I bow out.
The idea of this game truly facisnates me. On paper, it should be my favorite game ever. And this is true with all 4x/grand strategy games. I can't get into the game enough to put the time into learning the mechanics.
Fast forward to my now pertinent question. This time when starting a new playthrough, it has stuck. I've been bitten, I have the bug. I think this is the time, if there ever will be one, that I can finally get into a thorough game.
But am I taking too long to proceed? I'm being very thorough. Trying to see which border-sharing neighbors are ripe for the picking or can I marry into the family line in a generation or two? Keep in mind I'm reaching new parts of the game I've not played yet, so im reading and learning during this time too. But I'd say my beginning ruler has been in power for around 2 game years .... And I've logged probably 8 hours, lol.
Now on the surface, I know that is way too much time. But take into considerations that I've been reading a lot of new pop ups, and pop ups of pop ups, etc... and getting to know my immediate regional players and their courts. So I expect the game play speed to pick up some, but honestly not too much.
I understand this game to be all about playing for multiple generations and beyond... I'm concerned I'm going to get burned out before I even get a good proper start. Am I right to be concerned, or is this par for the course for someone's first thorough playthrough?