[Spoilers C3E101] How would you go about killing a god?
I was looking at the list of divine powers from the last episode of Downfall and trying to think of some meta ways a party or individual could actually take down and kill a god.
- Divine Awareness: A god has truesight, blindsight, and tremorsense out to 120 feet. A god can speak and understand all languages, spoken and written, and communicate telepathically with any creature they can see. A god is immune to the charmed, frightened, stunned, blinded, and deafened conditions.[79]
- Divine Prowess: After rolling a skill check, a god doubles the result. After calculating all bonuses, a god doubles their passive skills.[80]
- Divine Vigor: A god regains all limited use class features at the beginning of each of their turns. A god is immune to exhaustion. After calculating all bonuses, a god's speed is doubled. A god has three legendary actions per round.[81]
- Divine Resistance: A god has five legendary resistances. After rolling a saving throw, a god doubles the result. A god is immune to all non-magical damage, damage from weapons that are not artifacts, and damage from spells of sixth-level or lower. A god has two damage immunities and four damage resistances.[82]
- Divine Magic: Once per turn, a god can cast any cleric spell or domain spell (of a domain they can grant) at any level without using a spell slot. After calculating all bonuses, a god doubles the save difficulty class, range, area of effect, and duration of all spells.[83]
- Divine Potency: All damage a god deals via spells and weapon attacks is multiplied by 10. After rolling an attack roll, a god doubles the result. After calculating all bonuses, a god's armor class is doubled. A god's range with ranged weapons is doubled.[84]
- Divine Vitality: At the beginning of a god's turn, if they have not taken damage since the beginning of their last turn, a god regenerates all hit points. All death saving throws are considered natural 20s. A god's maximum, current, and temporary hit points are multiplied by ten, as well as hit points and temporary hit points restored by spells. A god is immune to the petrified, paralyzed, and poisoned conditions and disease.[85]
The only real weakness I can see here is that gods aren't immune to status drain effects. So if hit with enough Feeblemind spells to get past the auto saves, a Portent Wizard could force a low enough save to significantly weaken them. They don't get a save again for 30 days, which should be enough time to kill them.
They are not immune to curses, so a cursed item would appear to affect them normally. Also, cursed items don't always allow saving throws against their effects, thus bypassing divine resistance.
Any other ideas?