I'm going to get flack for this....
But WHY did Sarah give Pollux such HOT lines...like either I read way to much dark romance or the whole book was so tragically stupid that was the highlight for me...but holy crap! I get we aren't supposed to like him but damn...when he said "I'm going to f**k the disrespect out of you." I was like wait, is this a threat? That sounds HOT!
Pollux is the bad guy and Sarah gave him non cringey hot scenes
Hunt is the good guy and he was absolutely cringe! Bryce & Hunt scenes I have to skim through, they're god awful.
I don't get it...I mean I wouldn't pick Pollux over Ruhn but Pollux over Hunt? ummmmmm
I have problems, don't come at me too hard, this is meant to be taken light heartedly.