Why Danes - generally - are so ignorant about other cultures? (this is a honest question)
I have been living for 8 years here and I have noticed this before but now that I have a child and she will go to school here, I am getting concerned. Please I don't mean to be snob, I don't have a PhD and I come from a middle class family whose parents did not finish highschool and my grandparents did not know how to read and write, however, they always bought me and my brother all the books we wanted and financed our education, and I can consider myself today a quite cultivated person. Not an intellectual, but someone who can speak about any subject with some degree of knowledge and depth. However, I see that many Danes, even with PhD (I work with them for years) are bluntly ignorant about many things, but specifically about other cultures and their history. Aren't they taught these subjects in school? Aren't they curious? Is the parochial attitude of Danes? Please some light is needed here.