IM TIRED of pretending I dont wanna look like the instagram girls
Im tired of pretending like I don’t wanna look like the women you see on instagram. The ig models and influencers.
The truth is looks mean so much more than people give it credit for.
Im tired of pretending like I don’t care, or like Im above all that. People compliment me here and there. But is it enough? It sure as hell doesn’t feel like it when there’s beautiful women out there with perfect lips, hair, bodies, everything. Im tired of being a plain jane. And Im tired of acting like im fine! And Im so serious about this, however silly this post may sound. I wanna be perfect.
I can give myself credit for having clear skin maybe, and long hair. But what about the perfect jawline? The beautiful hourglass body? Beautiful perfect straight teeth. The perfectly flat stomach? I have rolls. Back and stomach. I go to the gym now. I just wish to take the easier route sometimes.
Like Im trying so hard not to just go get a bbl and fillers and some veneers, but I see how those women look and are treated and want that. All of it. Im tired of pretending I dont. That is my confession.