I would “use” boys when I was younger not realizing what I was doing.
It probably really started when I was in 9th grade (over 25 years ago) I would notice if a male liked me, and usually if they did they would go out of their way and do nice things for me.
I wasn’t a flirt, I was not slutty, I did not dress too revealing (sometimes would be extreme baggy clothes and sometimes form fitting outfits), I was friendly and I thought I was treating everyone nicely - but looking back some of these things were not exactly nice of me- because most of these people wanted more from me than I realized at the time.
I had a friend who got a pager for his bday one year, I didn’t have a pager yet, so I told him I was jealous and he basically gave it to me for a few months until I got my own, I also would not return his pages when he would page me on the pager that was his.
A classmate who worked at the movie theatre had a crush on me and I would go to the theatre with a friend (boy or girl didn’t matter) and i would ask him for free passes- he would give them to me but I didn’t talk to him any other time.
An older guy I met at a job I had, he was probably 19 at the time, I was 16- I went to an Aerosmith concert and he was working security and I asked him to help me meet Aerosmith and he gave me his backstage pass so I could go and meet them. He gave me his number and I never called him.
A person worked at a local sex shop, he would come into a coffee shop I worked at and would flirt with me, I didn’t have any interest and he knew I had a bf, he invite me to his store for free shopping sprees - I would go in and get outfits and random things. I only spoke with him while I was working and when he finally realized there was nothing going to happen he started to date a coworker and my freebies were cut off lol
If I was ever offered a ride home by a male I always took it, no matter how creeped out I felt, I just didn’t want to take the bus. Nothing bad ever happened, but many times at school or work, if there was any interest shown in me and they had a car, I was very nice to them. But would always have them drop me off a couple blocks from home so they never knew exactly where I lived.
Someone who would flirt with me at the coffee shop worked at Sam Goodie so I had endless free CDs back then, in exchange I would give them a free drink tho.
I worked at the Mall of America at a kiosk, so many people would walk by and I would always have people flirting, but one guy would try and try to talk to me and I wasn’t interested. But we would have just normal convos. I told him after work I was going to go buy some shirts from PacSun and this guy would almost daily go around the mall and boost clothes for me, I didn’t realize he was stealing until mall security stopped him and he was arrested.
There is so many other situations like this that the list is too long. I don’t remember most these people’s names but I sure hope they didn’t grow up to be door mats for women, because they kinda were to me at a young age and it wasn’t right how I treated them in the end, I mean like I said I was always nice to them but I was also using them and I have grown to realize that and it wasn’t cool.