I (27F) think my younger brother(23M) may have flashed me.
I (27F) have a younger brother (23M). We are the only siblings. So this happened a long time ago like 7 or 8 years back. My parents were not home due to some errands. It was a Sunday and we were both home. We ordered take out and were having lunch. He was sitting on a chair (no table only chair) and I was standing and serving him out of the container. He held up his plate and there it was. His trousers were torn open and his member was showing.
I quickly served his food and turned away but the damage had been done. I simply can't unsee what I saw even though it was for a few seconds. I didn't point him out that his trousers were torn because that would make him know that I saw. I just ignored something like that happened and didn't ask him anything.
As I thought more and more about the circumstances it happened, I began to have a lot of doubts. Wouldn't one know when their pants were torn that much? Maybe they ripped when he was standing or something and he thought he would change after lunch? The fact that we were alone was not helping.
I would like to say that we had a pretty normal childhood growing up. I admit I was kind of rude to him in the beginning out of jealousy of him robbing the perks of me being the only child. But a few years later, I realised that he actually loves me as a sister and looks up to me. So, I stopped being an AH and started to actually be a supportive big sister.
Sometimes I think to myself it should be a wardrobe malfunction and he was unaware and sometimes I think what if it was intentional? Tbh I'm dreaded by that thought.
My brother is so caring and mature and understanding. He's one of the most decent men I've ever come across. That's the only time something even remotely of that sort happened.
So, when it happened, it was really a shock. I couldn't discuss this with anyone because nothing actually happened and it was kind of embarrassing.
So I came across this community and simply letting it out.