Should I take a study abroad opportunity?

One of my classes this semester has a built-in study abroad trip over spring break. It is in the Dominican Republic, and it would be a really great educational/service work opportunity as well as a great way to network with some powerful faculty (my professor, the main chaperone, is the head of my school’s neuroscience dept).

It would cost me anywhere up to $2500. There are need-based scholarships available, and as a low-income student, I believe I would qualify for a good chunk of the cost to be reduced. I do have some money set back from loan refunds, for things like tuition and emergencies, so I could afford any remaining cost and still have a couple thousand left over (I do not want to spend it all at once).

I’ve never really travelled before. I’ve never been on a plane, or seen the ocean, and I’ve never really stepped out of my comfort zone when it comes to opportunities like this. I really want to do it, but the only thing holding me back is the cost. I have a lot of financial anxiety and spending money stresses me out, especially when it’s large amounts coming out of my loan refunds.

I know that realistically this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance and that the cost is absolutely worth it, and that it won’t ruin me financially. But I guess I just need someone else to justify it, so I don’t feel as stressed about spending the money.

Because it’s over spring break, I need to decide by next week so that I can purchase my plane ticket and passport in time.