Anyone else underwhelmed by university? It’s so boring. Not like movies

I’m a 2nd year student / 20 years old

In movies and media they show students having fun like not just partying in dorms but having so many friends, bumping into them while going to class, being causal with their professors, and so on.

It’s not like that for my university. Maybe it’s because I’m extroverted and had fun in HS but here is so isolating.

  1. Nobody talks to each other. Not in lectures, not in the kitchen dorm, like nowhere

  2. There is no party that does not involve getting drunk (I have never drank alcohol and never will; it’s unhealthy)

  3. EVERYONE is on their phone during lectures. They are scrolling on TikTok while prof speaks. I sit next to my friends if I see them and they are also scrolling on TikTok. It’s brainrot

  4. Nobody actually goes to clubs/ societies. If they do, they rarely hold meetings

  5. EVERY prof and lecturer I had since last year are super strict and you cannot be ‘casual’ with them. I’m not lying, a prof gave a 10 min lecturing to us at the start of one, saying when we write emails to address her as Dr / Professor, because she received some emails saying ‘Miss’

Most of my friends here drink alcohol so it’s awkward to hang out with them somewhere (like a party) when they’re drunk and I’m not