Cobra Kai Seasons Worst-Best!!

First, I want to start by saying each season had pros and cons. They each do different things well, and not so well. I wouldn't necessarily call any of them bad. However, I will mainly talk about their flaws and what keeps them from being higher on the list.

  1. Season 6 Part 1 - I know it's only the first part of the season, but I felt it was weak in many areas. I see the purpose of this season was to set up the Sekai Taikai, but it felt very rushed and focused on many things I felt were unimportant.

  2. Season 2 - I didn't care for the relationship dynamics and drama. There was too much cringe dialogue and I felt it lacked development the most out of all the seasons.

  3. Season 5 - This season had a lot of fun character dynamics, and the whole experience felt like a high-quality TV show. However, it lacked action for the most part, and there again was a bunch of bad dialogue.

  4. Season 3 - This season does a very good job of giving some character background. Kreese's story was done nicely and I like how this season dipped into deeper and more personal topics like trouble with the law, suicide, rehabilitation, and PTSD.

  5. Season 4 - Terry Silver is seriously such a badass. I don't know if this is a hot take or not, but I prefer him over Kreese. Terry Silver feels like the ultimate bad guy, rich, manipulative, and has good character. Also, I liked some of the new characters and plotlines introduced in this season. Though it still carries over that traditional Cobra Kai cheerful cringey dialogue, there's a lot less. Again, this season touches on some deep topics, and one of my favorite Cobra Kai lessons of all time, everyone has a weakness.

  6. Season 6 Part 2 - Man was this one entertaining. I love Kwon and Zara, didn't care for Axel too much but he's built like the Terminator so he's cool I guess. Again, probably the most entertaining character dynamics out of all the seasons, great fights, great characters, and no real complaints. They even took a dark direction I never thought they would take. Overall it was a powerful second part.

  7. Season 1 - Duh. I don't need to explain myself, If you've seen the show, you know why Season 1 is best.